-Sometimes life is hard it can even be ruthless when we have no goals, no essence.

In that situation life itself imposes limitations but we can make progress accepting this challenge.

Our soul can grow trough the experiences that we are going trough and thus, we gain immense wisdom. WE ARE HERE FOR A REASON! Maybe there is destiny, a force that is beyond our control but most of the things that happen to us are our own responsibility.

Ours  is to realize that the ultimate purpose of our existence is the meaning of happiness. Or present which is lived happily. We should live in the present if want to be happy and fulfilled individuals. We should always strive to be ourselves. And to be open. To be understood and to understand others. Most of the time we see that things are not as simple as they seem. We should always see things from a different angles. The most important thing is to try to find ourselves ,to accomplish ourselves, and that means getting rid of the eternal battle between past and future.

The real problem is not life itself, but how we see life. In the ideal world we can always do something and fight for happiness. The outside world has its own pace and its own laws and we need to respect them. Yet we should follow our own path, our heart  and our dreams in pursuit for happiness!



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